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Live Training each month using "Zoom"

You'll learn what you need to do to increase the number or enquiries and sales you get from your website



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Prompts and website links during the course - download here

Checklist of all the actions you should take - download here



Key Sections of the video replay

If there is a specific section you would like to catch up on here are the timings within the video.



0:00 Welcome

1:10  A marketing framework that you should follow


8:24 Middle of the funnel: Increase engagement

12:19 Don’t immediately scare or frustrate

       Ensure you have an SSL cert

       Ensure the page loads quickly – how to check

16:15 Immediately resonate

       Write compelling headlines that quickly engage visitors who land and how to use AI for this

       Bullet point key features / benefits – and how to use AA for this

       Embed Videos that will engage visitors – How to use Ai for ideas


27:51 Build credibility & Trust

       Highlight any media coverage you have received.

       Use statistics for number of customers, years in business etc.

       Highlight blog posts on key pages to engage and build trust

31:19 Encourage Browsing

       Have image and text links to tempt visitors to browse around

       Make it easy for visitors to find what they want - Have a simple navigation

       Make it easy for visitors to find what they want  Have site search

33:00 Research how you compare with competitors and continually refine your site

37:30 Measure whether people are engaging or not



40:00 Bottom of the funnel: Tactics to increase conversions

42:14 Entice visitors to purchase or enquire

       Test different offers – how to use AI to generate ideas

       Psychology – use limited time offers

       Psychology – use a countdown timer for your offers and a tool you can use

       Psychology – scarcity can increase conversions and how Ai can help with ideas

51:26  Reassure them that they are making a good decision

       Aim to get visitors to read testimonials – ways to best present testimonials

       Explain what makes you different – and how AI can help with this

       Consider offering  a satisfaction guarantee

       Consider offering a money back guarantee – and how AI can help with ideas

       Ensure returns policy is better than competitors

       Create product / service videos that will convert visitors

1:17:33  Encourage Action right now

       Ensure you have call to action buttons on all key pages

       Add  Request a Call back buttons (if offering a srvice)

       Optimise your enquiry forms

1:21:40 Try to convert the 97% again in the future

       Send cart abandonment emails

       Encourage visitors to signup for your newsletter

       Encourage visitors to download lead magnet

       Encourage visitors to Follow you on social media

1:28:00 Research and refine

       Compare what your competitors are doing to convert visitors

       Talk to your customers – ask them why they purchased




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All the best, Evan



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